About Me
Jorden Campbell
Graphic Designer
Jacksonville, FL
2010 - Present
Specialty Commerce Corp. - Intern
Feb. - Apr. 2013
InHouse Design - Member
Sept. - Dec. 2012
Stonehill College - Bacelor of Arts
Aug. 2010 - May 2014
In college I was a Graphic Design major, Dance minor so I figured I'd combine the two. "En avant" in French means "forward", if you're in fourth position en avant, you're facing the front, as opposed to arrière, which would be towards the back. So I chose "en avant designs" for my company name (because moving forwards is much better than moving backwards).
En Avant?
After Effects

Strata 3D
Senior Graphic Design Annual
Unrelated Experience
Whether it is on paper or on screen, I am always creating something. I love following online tutorials and practicing with different tools because it keeps me constantly learning new aspects of the Adobe programs which is always beneficial for future projects.
I have taken many graphic design, studio art and art history courses throughout college and high school an have worked for various clients including local businesses, Boston restaurants, friends and family, and even some universities along the east coast.
The Graphic Design department at Stonehill College focuses heavily on simulating a professional environment. They are fortunate to have state of the art printers and a design room; I am very comfortable using professional printers, manually trimming my designs to size, and using both a Mac and PC. I have developed highly qualified skills in many Adobe programs and as a result, I am able to design anything from a magazine, logo, or poster to an animated video, cylindrical label, or box of any kind. Attaining these skills over the last few years has helped me immensely when pursuing projects outside the classroom.
As mentioned in my Portfolio, every year the senior graphic design majors at Stonehill College put on an gallery which exhibits our work. Of the 11 other seniors, I became the somewhat "unspoken leader". Some tasks I did include:
Designed the logo
Created a Google Doc accessible to everyone which summarized what needed to be done
Photoshoped 8 of 12 portraits
Photoshopped everyone's profile pictures and cover photos for Facebook advertising
Collected everyone's logos to print, mount and hang in the hallway (coming to a total of 60 individual logos)
Created a video compilation in After Effects of all the videos we wanted to showcase
Besides details that required physical labor, I also created a thread on Facebook to make sure everyone knew what was going on. I often was the one to remind others of their responsibilities; helping others with their jobs that they were given. I gave specific instructions on how to complete tasks such as printing and mounting work and where to find and download work on our Google Drive. I often found myself in the graphic design building not doing any specific work but just being there in case anyone had a question or needed help.
I am a natural leader and do not find the responsibilites of a leader to be burdensome. I would rather do a job myself and know it is done right because I am passionate about the outcome; rather than leave it to someone, or many people, and question the quality and commitment.
I know this is not relevant to the graphic design field, but I feel as though it is a good and honest reflection on my work ethic, perseverance and my ability to adapt to any kind of team.
In both 2011 and 2012 I worked as a laborer for North Ridge Construction. Helping with demolition, I worked eight hours a day with jobs varying from meticulous cleaning to heavy lifting and shoveling. I worked cooperatively and efficiently with coworkers, assuming a leadership position when necessary, and took on a strong female role by making a point to work equally as hard, if not harder, than the all-male team which created a more diligent workplace.